Part of the team right from the start

Our trainee Marvin is now an office management clerk — and will remain loyal to ECON TEL!

ECON TEL not only has decades of experience in sales, but also with the successful training of new employees. Marvin Bussmann also recently completed his training with excellent success. In an interview, he looks back — and reveals what makes ECON TEL different from other companies.

1. Marvin, you are now officially an office management clerk — congratulations! But what exactly can you imagine about it? What content does the training cover?

As part of my training as an office management clerk, I got an overview of all processes that arise in the office. I've learned a lot about general business relationships, but also about communication with customers and colleagues. I also gained an insight into marketing and sales. I also learned how to design business letters and how to use formulas in a spreadsheet program.

2. Which topics were of particular interest to you?

I am particularly interested in topics such as order management and coordination as well as marketing and sales. I particularly enjoyed implementing complex business processes using formulas in a spreadsheet program.

3. What makes ECON TEL different from other training companies?

At ECON TEL, trainees are part of the team right from the start and take on day-to-day business tasks from an early age. At ECON TEL, you therefore immediately participate in the value creation process and help to offer our customers real added value. This is not so self-evident in all companies.

4. You've been taken on — what does your current area of responsibility look like?

After completing my training, I was transferred to project administration. Here, we are responsible for project preparation and the successful technical start of the project. In addition, we are also the point of contact for all project managers and employees in customer projects during the ongoing project. It is also important to submit project results on a daily basis and to evaluate project data from the CRM program, for example via exports in spreadsheets.

5. Who would you recommend ECON TEL to?

I can recommend training at ECON TEL to anyone who wants to take on responsibility in a competent and friendly team from an early stage. In addition, the applicant should enjoy familiarizing himself with varied, interesting tasks over and over again. We work with companies from a wide range of industries, and every day brings new challenges. That is exactly what makes the work so diverse.

Our service overview for comprehensive sales power

Market analyses, customer surveys, offer tracking, order acquisition or the management of new and existing customers — we have the right solution for every sales goal and, with our services, start where your success comes from.
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