Claudia is a member of the vocational training committee of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce...

... and helps shape vocational education!

Vocational training preparation, vocational training, continuing vocational training and retraining — all these aspects are part of the remit and decision-making area of a Vocational Training Committee (BBA). Employers (including Claudia), employees and teachers at vocational schools represent the three important sectors at BBA that are decisive for a functioning and future-oriented economy.

Full commitment to vocational education

The special thing about the committee is that it not only has advisory power but also legislative power. This means that the members help decide on important issues relating to vocational education and training — for example, they help draft examination regulations or vote on continuing education regulations.

We are very pleased that, thanks to Claudia, ECON TEL is now also contributing to the quality of vocational education and thus to a successful Münsterland economic region!

Our service overview for comprehensive sales power

Market analyses, customer surveys, offer tracking, order acquisition or the management of new and existing customers — we have the right solution for every sales goal and, with our services, start where your success comes from.
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A new face in the examination committee

Laura is a volunteer examiner in the IHK examination committee

“Even as an apprentice, I can take on responsibility”

Awesta talks about her training at ECON TEL

“It's a win-win-win situation”

“Employees recruit employees”: one campaign, many benefits